A message of Hope

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Working as a therapist, I witnessed the rise of the Opioid crisis. I remember having to conduct more research about situations that were once very rare. For example, individuals being arrested for obtaining a prescription by fraud was at one point uncommon. Thankfully, with the new regulations, this problem has significantly decreased.

Little by little, the prescription medications crisis did not discriminate. In this country, the crisis has impacted young and older individuals of all backgrounds.

I felt distraught for the addicted person, but I also thought a lot about all the loved ones impacted by someone else’s addiction problems.

All addictions, whether it is alcohol, illicit substances, prescription medications, food, gambling, sex, impact the sufferer and all their loved ones.



With that in mind, I wanted to bring a message of hope on my book. I wanted to present to the public and to you my own original research about what worked for loved ones of alcoholics and addicts, and how their lives were transformed. My research was a multiple-case study with 12 adult children of alcoholics, with and without personal addictions.

I really hope that the book I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH: Lessons of Transformation from Adult Children of Alcoholics touches your heart, inspires you, and brings you hope.


Dr. Daniella Jackson

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